16 de dezembro de 2008

Aquela Música do Anúncio

Estes dias tenho andado com a música do anúncio de Natal do El Corte Inglés na cabeça. Quando dou conta lá estou eu a trautear...
Hoje depois de tanto trautear resolvi pesquisar a origem da música, deparei-me com um blog muito giro onde podemos encontrar muitas, se não todas, as músicas dos anúncios que passam na tv.

A música que tanto invade os meus pensamentos chama-se Neopolitan Dreams e pertence ao album Welcome To The Afternoon da Lisa Mitchell, e para mim é contagiante.

Aqui fica a letra

Lisa Mitchell
Neopolitan Dreams

You'll go n I’ll be okay,
I can dream the rest away
Its just a little touch of fate, it will be okay
It sure takes its precious time, but it’s got rights and so have I

I turn my head up to the sky
I focus one thought at a time
I do not let the little thieves under my tightly buttoned sleeves
You couldn’t be alone, the time I feel like I am walking blind
I have no where I’ll have time

There are no legible signs x2

I like the way that you talk,
I like the way that you walk.
It’s hard to recreate such an individual game

You wait you turn in the queue,
You say your sorries and thank you’s
I don’t think you’re ever
A hundred percent in the room
You’re not in the room x2

Deepest, of the dark nights
here lies, the highest of highs
Neopolitan Dreams, stretching out to the sea

You wait you turn in the queue,
You say your sorries and thank yous
I don’t think you’re ever
A hundred percent in the room
You’re not in the room x2

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